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Vendors of Theta Phi Sigma are part of a select group of independent merchants who we believe work in the best interest of our organization to produce personalized Theta merchandise and to help enhance the vision of our organization. If you know someone that is interested in becoming a part of this Network, please read the information and complete the application provided below. You may also email us at for any questions/concerns you have. Vendors will receive correspondence via email (including a Vendor license) after the application process is completed.


Vendor Application Fee: $50.00

Vendor Yearly Fee: $200.00


Vendors have the opportunity to be feature in various media outlets including our quarterly Pink Eagle Newsletter that extends to Sorors nationwide and internationally. Vendors will also be listed here on our national website in our Vendor's Network Directory. As our sorority grows vendors will be notified of various opportunities to attend our local and national events alongside the chance to directly connect with our active members in a private Facebook group tailored to showcase paraphernalia.

© 2020 - created with

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