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Got questions? TPS has answers!!!

How do I become a member?
Applications are completed at an upcoming interest meeting in your area. Once received, applications are reviewed by the Chapter President, VP, and Regional Director. If eligible, will you will be asked to meet for an interview. If you are successful at the interview, you will receive an invitation to join the line. If you accept, you will go through the Membership Intake Process. Once you complete the process, you will become and official member!

Can I be in a Divine 9 Sorority and pledge TPS?
You must denounce that organization, no longer have involvements in it, or wear its paraphernalia. We understand that those organizations have also done great things for the community through many great leaders in the African American community. However, TPS has a different call to the community through ministry and outreach.

Are you in the Pan Hellenic Council?
No. We are a part of the Anointed Assembly of Christian Fraternities and Sororities.


Can I participate in TPS and a secular sorority, too?
Effective July 24, 2010 after pledging Theta Phi Sigma Christian Sorority, Inc., you are not allowed to become a member of another Greek organization unless it is a leadership or scholastic achievement sorority.

Is there any hazing involved?
There is absolutely NO HAZING! The time you spend in the Membership Intake Process is simply to learn more about our organization, building relationships with your sisters, and strengthening your relationship with God. There are expectations that must be met to be a Theta lady, but we will never subject anyone to hazing or have them do anything that will be compromising to their Christian faith.

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