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Founder and Visionary, Dr. Jessica Wilson, in Montgomery, Alabama, founded Theta Phi Sigma Christian Sorority, Incorporated on September 23, 2009. Theta Phi Sigma also known as "The Pink Society" was created for women of upper echelon. This organization is designed for seasoned women of God who is called to excellence and leadership within the community through different spheres of influence. Our mission is to give women of leadership a place to network, connect, and grow continue to grow spiritually. We are the Esthers of this generation called for such a time as this. The world is male dominated and often times women experience discrimination within the church, on their jobs, as well as the community. God has called women to lead as well, however we understand that God has called the man to be the head of our homes and community. We are rebuilding the importance of femininity, elegance, grace, and integrity. We want other women to value and see themselves the way God sees them.  We are an apostolic ministry  that helps to activate the call of God in women globally and we prophetically flow in His Spirit to build  the Kingdom of God.

The Legacy Continues....

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